
A data journalism tool for researching the DRUDGE REPORT website.

not-affiliated with the drudgereport.com website

The DRUDGE REPORT website is one of the largest drivers of traffic in the media world. It is a mix of right wing politics, links to hard news, tabloid media gossip, alt-right conspiracies, and more. For many it is their primary news aggregator, like Google News.

This tool is meant to let people more easily explore who and what is linked by the DRUGE REPORT and when.

When you search you are querying against the raw line describing the link. That includes the entire link including the text description.

You can use this to search by host.

In the breakout section for each term, if you click the 'show links' button all the links used to generate the charts are listed by date.

The source data can be downloaded from the github repository for this project, along with all the supporting code used to create it. The data was scraped once an hour from May 5th, 2016 and should be updated weekly through November.

The images assocated with the articles are found in the image collage.

If you have any questions, hit me up on twitter @billautomata

A note about fair use.

loading the data...